New Scandinavia Lutheran Children
Affirmation Of Baptism
Our Affirmation of Baptism (AOB or Confirmation) ministry is a two year program that revisits the basics of our faith, like The Ten Commandments and The Apostles’ Creed, but also helps our youth to explore how the Gospel of Jesus Christ informs and and reforms daily life. We teach how knowing God and knowing other Christians leads to a more fulfilled life now and Eternal Life with Christ forever. At the end of the program, each student “affirms their faith,” stating they acknowledge the promises God made to them at their Holy Baptism and will strive to follow the way of life modeled for us all by Jesus Christ.
In recent years, we’ve opened AOB to students from 6th to 8th Grade.
The program runs from September to April, meeting on Sunday at 10:00am. We follow the Barron School Dist., so if there is a snow day or canceled school, we also will not confirmation class